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Solid Works files


New member
I have a customer that uses solid works. He does not have the ability to read step or IGES file formats. At least thats what he says. I would think that he could purchase a module of Solid Works that does this.

Does anyone have any tips on creating these files?


Yes, SW does have those modules.

If you need to get files to him now and you are in WF2, save the file as a Parasolids (.x_t) file type.
Either your customer doesn't know his software, our he's pulling you leg. Here's a list of whatSolidWork can input/output. All your customer needs to do is open SolidWorks and browse for the IGES file.

Adobe Portable Document Format ( PDF )

Input and Output for Revisions 12 thru 2002 of AutoCAD


Input and Output for AP203, In for AP214

Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (.IGS)
Input and Output

Input and Output (for rapid prototyping)

Does anyone know if there is a way to export parts from solidworks so that the features can me modified in pro/engineer? I don't think this is possible but its worth it to ask!
We use both Pro/Engineer and SolidWorks at my place of employment (industrial and mechanical design firm).

I am unaware of any output filetype from SolidWorks, or import filetypeto Pro/Engineer which will allow this. On the short, if you need SolidWorks files, use SolidWorks, if you need Pro/Engineer files use Pro/Engineer.

If we need to move files between the two, we generally use STEP or IGES.

Maybe you've heard thatSolidWorks has a "converter" which allows you to featurize a native fileimported from Pro/Engineer. Due to the nature by which features are constructed in the two softwares, it's not likely you can be successful every time. The converter will convert simple machined parts relatively well, but using it for partswith more complex geometry, forget it.


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