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Skrinkwrap takes extremely long time....


New member
I have a large shrinkwrap model (a 4 cylinder diesel engine) that is giving me hell. Pulling the model up as a part or pulling it into an assembly is not a big deal, but when I make views of it in a drawing Pro/E becomes agonizingly slow. In most cases it takes 30 minutes or more to render one view of the engine and since their are several views of the engine in the drawing, updating the drawing literally becomes an all day task.

I really have no control over the level of detail in the shrinkwrap model because our engine vendor will not give us solid models of the engine. Also, the number of surfaces and hidden lines in the engine views is so great that we are forced to use Hidden Line Removal of Quilts to make the drawing readable.

If anyone knows of a trick to make Pro/E render this any faster or a way to freeze the drawing views so that they won't update I would really like to hear from you. I'm about ready to pull my hair out at this point!
You can set the visibility by going under View>Drawing Display>Drawing View Visibility to erase views from the display. This will allow you to work on one view at a time and have the information related to the other views removed from the drawing. To keep your views from automatically updating set the option auto_regen_views to no.


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