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Restricted parameter


New member
Is there any way to update restriction definition for all part of an assembly with only one step.

We are defining new material and other thing almost everyday so the restricted parameter file is modified very often.

When I want to apply a new material to a parts on an old assembly I have to update parameter of every part individually...

Sorry for th bad english.

Some one can help me?

There is no reason to use restricted parameters for materials. For the material the best thing to do is assign the material to the model and use the a material parameter relation to assign it. I can give you more info on Monday, I just don't have it here.
No there is not when the parameter is created as a restricted one it remembers the values that are to be used when created.
You can have multiple values in that listing, so you should be adding them, not changing them.
Also for materials there is a better way to control them than using restricted parameters, using a relation in the start part and assigning the material to it will keep you from having to constantly update the file.

Here is a doc on using the material Paramaters:

This is supposed to be enhanced in WF 3.0


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