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Repeat region - Cannot exclude a record


New member
Hi, I'm italian so I'll try to make me understand in english:

I need help with an error occurred while I'm using repeat region with flexible element.
I created a "base part" (it is a rubber) and I make it flexible in the assebly to adjust it with the space I have in every occurence I need to use it.

In the repeat region it appears several times and i can only exclude some, but not all. The error pro-e reports is:

Cannot exclude a record with no associated data.

Ther's a way to exclude every occurence of the rubber part?

Thank you for your help.
Hi kenppy, thank for your anwer.

Following you example:

I have 11 different position of the same spring, and in the BOM I can see 4 different items, with different q.ty (one with 3 entities, one with 6 entities, and two with one entities).

In my case, I changed two value to my rubber (lenght and angle) to fit the surface to protect, I don't know if this can be a problem for the repeat region.


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