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relate excel sheet with pro-E table

Krishna Pawar

New member
Hi all,

Can anybody please help me, Problem-How to relate a excel file with pro e wildfire-2 table. The table should be editable with Excel sheet.

thanks !!!
Have you tried Insert >Object> create from file, and search for your *.xls file.

after that you can double on it and edit directly from proe drawing
thanks Xcad,

my requirement is - I want to insert a proe table, but I found that editing pro e table is little bit hard. it can be done very easily in .XLS file. example- I want to make BOM in .XLS file by somebody else and that file to be relatedtoPro-e Table.

means there will be association between .XLS file and Pro-e Table.

Inserting .XLS as a object , it is not a pro e table.

thanks !
of course it is not

but i believe that your way approaching your problem is not the right one.

Using a proe table is very efficient for automatic bom's and you should try to learn how they work ( i think that you are a solidworks user - i saw some of them using this way for creating bom's)

there is a lot of free learning material if you want to learn how to create tables for bom's in proe...... search for them.....


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