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Propeller drawing in ProE


New member
Hi Does anyone know where I can get hold of a propeller part file for ProE Student? There is one already on this site....but it isnt suitable for the Student version

Many thanks



Not meaning to a wiseguy or anything. You are going to run into trans. problems into the Student Version

Give it a try and model it up yourself, best way to learn Pro is to fight with it some

that what the student vers. is all about. Comb the web a little , get some specs.

Then give it a whirl
, then IF you need some help with some specifics, I'm sure you will get the responses you need and YOU will benefit more in the long run.

BTW which version ?
KKPradeep said:
can anyone help me in modeling a propeller blade in pro-e wf-5???
karri Kumar
There is a video on youtube viz. Variable Section Sweep demystified. have a look at it and study the command in detail.
Secondly, for a new question, please start a new post. That way your chances of getting a proper reply are higher.
joseph_atkinson said:
propeller part file for ProE Student? There is one already on this site....but it isnt suitable for the Student version
Student editions can read neutral file formats like igs or step created from commercial versions. Only the feature history will be lost. You may however use "Feature Recognition" tool which is freely downloadable from however, please check whether it works with the student version.


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