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Point Coordinates Updated to New CSYS


New member
Objective: To take datum point cartesian coordinates assigned to a standard/default coordinate system and re-assign/update the coordinates to coincide with a new coordinate system that was created for best fit.

Input: 700 points (x,y,z) about default xyz csys
Output: 700 points (x',y',z') about new best fit xyz csys

I have datum points in a .prt file that were input using the Offset Coordinate System Tool from a .pts file. I created a new csys. I want to know the points relation to the new coordinate system (ie in terms of (x',y',z')). Output format in .txt would be ideal.

I'm trying to avoid doing the linear algebra in excel bc I ran into trouble with that route. Thanks in advance for any input.
Figured out solution.

Import .pts file with Offset Coordinate System Tool using the standard csys as a reference. Once the table is populated with cartesian coordinates, change the reference to the new csys. Update values and save as .txt file.


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