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OLE problems in 2001


New member
My recent excel problems turned out to be unrelated to Pro/E but is in the OS. I worked with PTC tech support on this. He said that some users seem to have trouble with embedded objects and others do not. He said the solution would be reinstalling OS. ugh!

Does anyone have another soultion? Had this trouble before and can be of some help? thx
which maintenance release of ProE 2001 are you using?

2005030 is the one having no bug.

updating to 2005030 was something we tried, but I am still having the same trouble. PTC tech guy said that it was due to bad config in WinXP. I did some searching on MS website but of course found nothing of any help.

What happens is that I create an excel table ind drawing with no trouble but once I leave the session it is no there when I open draiwnf again. I can see and grab the handles but no cells or text are visible. Very annoying. Today I did a 15 column, 50 row table the old fashioned way
We had the same thing on WF2 m090, but onlysome of us could not get OLE to work. We have a mix of win2000 and XP and it always seemed to be the win2000 stations beeing affected. Best way to see that it's OLE problems is to import a jpeg, the result on the drawing is a big blob stating the name of the file instead of showing the image.

The resolution? Upgrade the user(s) to XP. So it does seem to be OS related.


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