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MECHANICA Truss element


Does anyone know how to create a "truss" element in MECHANICA? It seems to be available in FEM mode via a pull-down menu (containing "beam" and "truss"), but the menu is grayed out in standard MECHANICA mode. I would like to avoid creating beams and then releasing the rotational Degrees of Freedom.

I am using Wildfire 2.0 on Windows.

Thanks in advance.

As far as I know, "truss" elements exist only in the FEM Mode. Another
workaround (other than creating beams) would be to use spring
elements in place of one-dimensional truss members.

Use beam release to allow the beams to rotate with respect to the end points. Since there is no rotation the beam becomes a truss element.

Not only is truss elements grayed out but the beam elements end section option is grayed out.

When will ptc look into enabling these two options.



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