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Issue: How do I choose which dimension?


New member
Hi all,

Just registered to the forum, so hi. I'm having a problem with ProE which is bugging me, and I know the solution is simple. When I draw a line the dimension ProE gives me is not the line length but rather the length of offset from another line. All I want to do is modify the line length (after adjusting the angle which stays fixed) without doing a pythagorous maths question every time.

Here's a pic to show what I mean. The ? is what I want to modify - the 119.19 dimension is what ProE thinks I want to change. All the angles are fine.

The default dimensioning scheme is rarely the dimensioning scheme you want. The gray dimensions are weak and all you have to do is create the dimensions you want & Pro/E will delete a weak dimension to keep the sketch properly constrained. If by chance, Pro/E does create a dimension you want to keep, RMB that dimension and turn it to strong. You should avoid leaving any weak dimensions as Pro/E may decide to delete it during some future operation.


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