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ISDX - COS cross boundary


New member
I need to place a COS across the hidden tangent split of a revolved feature. There's no visible edge on the part, however because of the way that Pro|E creates revolves, the 'split' runs right through where I need a COS.

How can I do that?
Edited by: dgs
I answered this on the ptcuser exploder already but maybe I can elaborate more here. By the way this problem is more of a problem in solidworks.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Pro/E when it creates a cylindrical surface.. ie an extruded circle it actually creates two hemispheres to the surface. Alias for example has one seam while proe has two seams.

There are two work arounds. One is to use a datum point as a separate feature that exists before the ISDX feature. snap to that and use your yellow handle in the ISDX feature to snap to one or the other surfaces in the previous surface as "tangent to surface"

The other way to deal is to project curves onto the cylindrical surface just like adding the datum point. And do the same. Your COS or curve on surface works the same. Use your shift option to force the snap function.

Edited by: design-engine
I need the flexibility of ISDX and it has to by on that surface, so projections and other methods aren't really going to get me there.

What I ended up doing was making a copy of one hemisphere and extending the edge so it covered the area I needed to place the COS. It worked fine.

If you don't mind Bart, I think I might use that last sentence as a company strap line.

design-engine said:
thats why you hire an engineer. Because they figure sh*t out!

I'm not sure how to take that. My degree is in Industrial Design, but my title and almost 15 yeasrs of work experience is mechanical engineering.
I don't think so, but I know I've seen your posts on Pro|User for years. Unless you've come to Columbus ...


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