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How to assign tool and params. to a seq.?


New member
Hiall gentlemen,

here's an example of what I'm doing:

for all my engravings I use the same tool (e.g. #15 in my carousel) and the same param. page (saved as e.g. Is there any way to automatically assign this tool and params to the EngravingSequence? Ideally I'd like to pick the Seq., pick the actual Groove Feature and be done with it. It may seem like not much, but when I program two dozens of parts it get's annoying. Besides, there's more situations like this for sure,Spot Drilling comes to mind.

I'd like to avoid more mapkeys if I could help it.

Edited by: marker4x4
I talked to a guy about this before. He built a mapkey to do 90% of a program? I was messing around with "expert machinist" the other day and they have templates, I don't know if they are in pro-nc? I think that you might be able to use process manager to build it too? Sorry I can't be more help but I working on a machine for the nexrt few days. I can get you more info when I'm done if you still need when I back on pro.
Hi Marker

I use mapkeys as much as i can

eg. typing '6mmdr' will scan the model for all 6mm dia holes, locate and assign site parameters, pick a 6.0mm tool and then complete the nc seq...takes approx 3 secs on my pc, and most importantly you know it's right/you haven't picked the wrong tool/parameters by accident and saves a lot of model spinning and mouse clicking....

..if you're feeling particularly geeky you can assign a mapkey to a button/ can even get the mapkey to prompt you for 'inputs' eg mill volumes, mill surfs...

is their a reason why you'd rather not use mapkeys?

Dear Friend,

You can create a USER DEFINED FEATURE for creating the Nc SEQUENCE.if you use that within 3 second you could create a NC sequence.If you want to know more about thet send your part. i will explain with video. I am using Lot of UDF feature for creating same sequence.

Thanks and regards

gopi_wf4 said:
.... You can create a USER DEFINED FEATURE for creating the Nc SEQUENCE.....

Hi Gopi, this sounds interesting - why don't you elaborate on that? Can you post sample?

i also use alot of UDF'S for nc, i think that would work great for you. Heres how i create MUDF'S:

How to create MUDF'S

There are two different ways to create MUDF's

Create all your NC sequences and volumes, surfs, ect.
next go into the menu manager and pick machining, nc sequence, utilities, UDF library, create.
now here's where you create and name your UDF.

Next, you'll be asked if it will be a STAND ALONE or SUBORDINATE, pick STAND ALONE.
Now pick what you want to be included inside your MUDF.
you can pick the operations, NC Sequences,Ect. I'll use Nc sequences.
click NC Sequence in the menu manager and pick your nc sequences, then done.

you'll be asked if you want to include any of your mill volumes, surfs ect, i allways click no because i will create them outside of my MUDF.
Next, click done/return twice.
now you'll be aked to pick Design UDF, REF PART, or NONE.
Go head and click NONE.
Here you'll be prompted a series of questions:
Enter prompt for the feature (OPERATION) in reference color: its asking you to pick what operation you want.
next, Enter prompt for the feature (coordinate system) in reference color:
Enter prompt for the feature (surface) in reference color: which its asking for your clearance Plan.
Enter prompt for the feature (PROTRUSION) in reference color: which is your mill volume in this case.
next, you'll be able to step through your UDF, by clicking NEXT, or Previous.
If everything looks ok go head and click "done"

You have now created a MUDF.

The MUDF that you have just created will be saved to your working directory inside Pro E,
You can now either copy and paste that UDF inside a folder of your choice so you'll be able to use again and again.
Since WF2 you can use the Process Manager to save the NC Sequence as a template. Then when a new job comes up, retrieve the template inside the process manager. The template includes everything about the toolpath except the reference. In your case the cosmetic groove.

Note: Any tool paths created inside the process manager must be added to the model tree by using Features / Create Mfg Features for All Steps

  1. <LI>Open the process manager</LI>
    <LI>Highlight the ncseq. Note: Place mouse at the very beginning of the sequence</LI>
    <LI>From the top of the process manager Tool / Create Template</LI>
    <DIV align=left>To Reuse the template. Insert / Step / From Template</DIV></LI>
    <DIV align=left>Features / Create Mfg Features for All Steps</DIV></LI>
    <DIV align=left>Close the process manager</DIV></LI>
    <DIV align=left>Open the ncseq and select the new reference</DIV></LI>
Note: You can also define the references within the process manager by selecting the pencil icon. In WF2 using this icon will most likely open the menu manager anyway.
The option mfg_template_dir should be used to point to the location where the templates will be stored.
Mark -

Not sure if your importing geom or using native Pro-E files, but if the part is simple enough I would modify the geom of this cosmetic feature.

For example I would create a parameter of string TEXT = Hello & while creating the cosmetic feature use this parameter "TEXT" & just change the value of TEXT to match whatever words that you need to machine, in this case you would machine the word "Hello". :)

From there you can regen mfg feature & re-post.
I use the process manager as Dave Brainsky stated above. Beats the hell out of building and maintaining UDF's and MUDF's


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