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I don't know if it is possible, but what I'd like to do is use a YES/NO parameter to set the hidden status of a layer/curve/sketch. Can layers be controlled using 'IF' statements to check a parameter?I want my pro-program to pull in a yes/no value; and depending on that value that the parameter is set to, I want the hidden status of a layer/curve/sketch to change. Does anyone have any ideas?
I don't believe you can set layer status or show/hide status via ProProgram; however, here is a potential work around that might get you what you want:

1) Create a dependent copy of the curve you want to show/hide
2) Hide the original curve
3) In your ProProgram, use an IF statement to ADD the copied curve
4) When you regen, you will either have two curves (one hidden, one shown) or one (only hidden, the other will be suppressed.)

Hope this helps.
In the Settings tab, you can export the current layer status to a file. So you could manipulate the file with a batchroutine to change the state of your layer to HIDDEN and then have ProE open that file. Now, how to drive that from a parameter...? I'm not sure. It's been a long time since I've used Pro/Program or even complex Relations for that matter. You might take a look at these threads:

[url] 984&PN=251[/url]
[url] 226&PN=5[/url]



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