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Help in opening Pro/E .ps files


New member
Hi All,

Is there a simple way to open a "postscript" (.ps) file generated by Pro/E Wildfire?

I downloaded ghostscript but found it to be unfriendly and just couldn't quite get it to work. I thought I heard you could open them in Word but when I tried all I got was text. Is there any shareware out there someone could recommend? Would greatly appreciate any and all help.

Hello VisualDynamix

you can open a postcript file with jasc paint shop pro or change it in format pdf
with freedist it is a freeware on internet

best regards
Here's something I do which seems to work fairly well:

  1. <LI>Use Print to File and save the filename with a .eps extension (it will show up as .ps by default). You need to be in a drawing or wireframe display for this to appear.</LI>
    <LI>In Word, select Insert-->Picture-->From file... and open the file you just saved. I believe you need to install the graphics import filters in order for Word to recognize the file as an image.</LI>
    <LI>The image should appear, but (at least on my printer), it may not be printable.</LI>
    <LI>To make the image cleaner, right click on the image and select Edit image. This will convert it into a MS Picture that will look nicer and can be edited as well.</LI>



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