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Hello [swept blend pquesteion]


New member


I have a problem doing swept blend

I uploaded the screen shot.

When I normally do swept blend by drawing two circles and a trajectory line, it wokrs fine. However, when I draw a circle on the object imported and try to do swept blend, it just doesn't work.

Can someone help me with this?

Thank you
It looks like your trajectory is not selected correctly. The arrow should be yellow and the trajectory should be red (depending on your color scheme, but it looks like you are using the same settings as I have).

When I select the trajectory, it looks like yours.

Then, when I select sections, it becomes like what I posted.

How did you do it?

What I did was

sketch a circle on the imported object->draw another circle to offseted plane-> draw a trajectory->swept blend

Is there a rule for drawing trajectory?

Thank you
I think there's a problem on the circle I drew on the imported object.

The reason I drew a circle on the imported object was that the object's end consists of 10 segments. So, I cannot select them as one section.

Hmm.. do you think there's a away to solve this?

Thank you
Your sections look okay. I can't be sure how you got the orange trajectory path, but it looks like ProE is trying to use it as one of the sections. Check your sections tab to make sure there are no problems. I had the selected sections option chosen and two sections with 2 segments. Check the preferences tab and make sure there are no secondary trajectories. You may need to remove the sections and try selectingitemsagain, but I think all you need to do is select the preference tab, select the origin trajectory, place cursor over trajectory line, left click to highlight line (thick cyan line will turn to thin cyan line), and select it. Here are some images of the dashboard panels for the feature as I created it.
It looks like when you first start the swept blend feature when you switch over to sections it tries to use the first curve you selected in the sections tab. If you start over, start swept blend and select your trajectory line. Switch to the sections tab. If your ProE operates like mine you will see that it is tring to define a section.

Select selected sections from the drop down. Select Details button on the side and select the first section. Select Insert and select the second section.You shouldn't need to open the details dialog forthe second section. I tried drawing a section on top of the cylinder and offseting a section and had no problems. So, I don't think your sections are a problem.
The other solution is to do the sketched section. Here you select your trajectory and switch to thesections tab. Sketched sections is automatically selected. Notice the green "X" at each end of the trajectory line. Select one and sketch your section. Do the same at the other end.
Plz check this rule for blend commands always. Proe cant make any blend or swept blend between section when the number of entities are not same. for example if you want to make a blend between a rectangle and a circle, then you must divide your circle in four arcs. Otherwise it will fail. Plz check it. You didnt send the part, otherwise I check it by myself.
Hello kd2007

I really appreciate your comment

Thank you very much.

However, I followed the steps but it still doesn't seem to be working

Could you try doing it maybe if you have time?

The file 2.6MB so I can't upload the file.

I really hope you could spare some time.

Thank you
I can try it if you like. Is there a way you can email the file? I'm Using the student edition of Wildfire 3.
I sent my email address to you through PM. It will probably be sometime this evening before I can get the file back to you.
I gave some misinformation about the colors you were seeing. The oramge is just the selection highlight. I'm so use to seeing as blue it eluded me as to why the trajectory was orange. I worked on the model and after looking at your posts again I missed the one where you stated one of the circles had 10 segments. As Zaki said both sections must have the same number of segments. I was able to get the feature in and I'm sending the part back to you. If you are unable to open it I' ll send directions on how to split up the top circle.


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