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gear help


New member
I want a rack and pinion to move with one another. Can anyone point me in the right directions in Pro-E/Motion to help me get both of those parts moving with one another. I created both already....
u will need a "ground" part to hold everything in place.

the rack should have 2 planar connection 1 in the direction of sliding on underside

the other to hold it up :)

the pinion.

1 pin connection to the ground part..

ground part

should be holding both rack and pinion in relatiively final position


if you want real motion, you will need to make a cam connection ( many
of them, 1 per tooth, maybe u can get away with one every few teeth)
and you have to allow liftoff


just make a servo drive to drive the pinion via a join axis of the pinion and the groundpart

if you just it to look "kinda right" and can not be bothered playing
around with too many cam connections. you can just make the rack move
along a path. and then pinion driven by the servo motor. u just have to
synconoise it manually :)

hope it helps
if you want real motion, you will need to make a cam connection ( many of them, 1 per tooth, maybe u can get away with one every few teeth) and you have to allow liftoff"

is that in pro-e motion mode..

I am making an arbor press. When you pull a bar in a circular motion. This bar is conneected to a pinion shaft. While the pinion shaft turns upto 360 degress, the teeth of the pinion shaft go against the teeth of the rack for it to go up and down.

the pinion shaft is in a base part and the rack is moving up and down in the base with the teeth of the pinion shaft.....
in your assembly

.. goto "applications -> mechanism"

if there is no option, then u dont have the module :)
I got the lever and the pinion to move as one piece. Now its the rack to move aginest the pinion up and down. How would I go about with connections of the rack.

I don't think you can connect the pinion to the gear by a pin connection because it spins with the gear when I do that.....what type of connection would work out where only the gear teeth of each part to hit each other??
View attachment 539

the big square thing is the ground part.:) all the other parts are moved inreference to it

hope this explains it. :) they are hopeless gears they are just to show u the idea.

if not. zip up the files and email them over.

Edited by: puppet
you can not open files made in educational version of pro-e in anything
other than educational. Which for this case means i can not open
ur files.

i will make a step by step guide in the next few days. Sorry about that.
this project is due wednesday. If you can help make a step by step guide by sometime tomorrow that would be incredible...

email [email protected] I want is that rack to
move up and down when the bar moves around due to the teeth on that
pinion shaft hitting the teeth on the rack....!
aaa.. i though u were using mechanism.

sorry i nvr touched mechanica .

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