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gd&t annotation vs edit/setup


New member
which is your preferred way to set up gd&t for drawings and why?

insert- model datum - annotation or edit - setup - geom tol

i have always used

edit - setup - geom tol

but when ever i need to delete a feature that is a parent of a datum plane that has a gtol tied to it i must delete the gd&t first. what is your experience with this or is there a work around that is different than im asking?

i'm trying to avoid the step of finding the gtol tied to the datum then switching dims to find the gp# in the model tree.
For me it depends on whether the GTOL is attached to a dimension. If it is, then Edit-->Setup-->GTOL. But if it is going to be by itself, then I use an annotation and try and make sure I use a default datum plane since I know I will not be deleting them.
I've found a lot of times that if I need to modify the dimension where the GD&T is attached it wants to freeze or delete the annotation. It is just personal preference for me and I guess 1 less click when modifying a dimension. But you can do an annotation with a dimension, I just prefer not to.


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