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Fly-through animation


New member
How do I record fly-through movements in Pro-engineer. I use the perspective tool, and I can define a path to fly through, but I don't know how to capture or record this. Is there another piece of software I should use to capture this fly-through animation. I have the animation application in Pro/e (WF3), but I don't think it will let me do fly-throughs.
i beilieve fly through can be done by capturing the different views and play it back by managing the time (sec) to reach that view. You can test-run by using the saved views (top, right, front, etc) with 2 sec distance. I believe it should work. Foundation XE has animation module included.
Yes you need to use snap shots and then you can go into animation mode were by you can record what components come on a certain time and for how long at the same time you can change shot angles i.e. saved views. This can then be saved as a MPEG watch what settings you use the creating the MPEG as it can take quite a long time to produce the Video with high settings.

Please have a look at might have a tuturial on animations if not have a look on
There use to be a program called Fly-through however I an not sure if it is able to be downloaded anymore or if a license is required.
Hello dear all

I think that this is impossible, because you cannot pass through a wall with the camera, you cannot 'go inside' in a curved pipe and reach the other side with ProE. On the first curve you will see only the wall ( or other object) that is between your point of view and the desired point. In ProE the camera actualy cannot get close. It's like a telescope, only can magnify...

Am I right?

Greetings, Vasil Velchev
I think you will have to use a VRML file to do what you want. Pro introduced this file type some time ago. I have used it but it has been several years ago. I was able to do what you are describing.

Good Luck!
I thought I read somewhere that Pro/Manikin is supposed to allow you to do that,to have the perspective of the guy inside looking out.



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