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file path in drawing?

me tooo!!! We can print only the drawing name, date, and the user name. But path...!!!!!
I'm using r2001 so you will need to record your mapkeys in WF as they will more than likely be a little different.

you needto mapkey abatch file to run from the systems window all it needs in it is one line

cd > workdir.txt

then mapkey the "note from file " to place the text that the batch file writes.

so in r2001 it looks something like this, I put the batch in a new folder and it overwrites the workdir.tx each time, but you can place it in your working directory doesn't really matter as long as you setup your mapkeys

1. mapkey------

mapkey wd @SYSTEMC:\\proe2001\\batch\\workdir.bat;

2. batch file--------------

cd > c:\workdir.txt

this is going to the root, it can go anywhere but you need the note part to go to the different folder

3. example text file created--------


4...note mapkey

mapkey np ~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`1 `Insert`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `Insert.psh_dwg_note`;#FILE;#MAKE NOTE;\
mapkey(continued) @PAUSE_FOR_SCREEN_PICK;~ Open `file_open` `Ph_path.Path`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `file_open` `Ph_path.Path`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `file_open` `Ph_path.Path`1 `C:`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `workdir.txt`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `workdir.txt`;#DONE/RETURN;

this will insert the path, you can chain the 2 mapkeys together and call it something else or run one at a time, this only gives path, if you want to include the drawing name then you have to modify the batch file to

cd > workdir.txt
copy workdir.txt+C:\proe2001\batch\dwgname.txt workdir.txt

andcreate the dwgname.txt file , all it has in it is below, batch files don't like the slash and & symbol so you append it to the first file, it comes in as two lines, so you have to live with it that way or edit the note


this is only parametric for the dwg name if you reanme the drawing it will change the note , but if you move it to another folder you have to rerun

Hi Bill

thanks for the procedure, before this I had put a parameter in the format and when I insert the format it ask for path so we put the path manually. Now we will try this


check this
I have the same problem but in parameters.

I'd like use the file gererated by batch program in a part parameter, as information of part in order to export this data to a repeat region in a drawing table.



[email protected]

a simple solution is to make the following change in

display_full_object_path = yes

in this way u can see the complete file path in the drawing
From 3D Logix_configpro_mentor, a handy as heck program btw
<H1 style="MARGIN: 12pt 0in 3pt">display_full_object_pathpath<?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p> </O:p></H1>
yes, *no<O:p> </O:p>
Controls the display of the object
Great job Wsylvester. Your batch/mapkey has lots of promise for date and time in a drawing also.

set prompt=$d $t will give you date and time in your prompt to be output and input into Pro/E.

Follow day edit

I spent some time attempting to get the prompt date/time into an environmental variable so I can output it to a text file to import with a mapkey. Right now, unless someone can figure that out, a shareware date utility should do what is necessary to get the job done.

Also, open a DOS Command Prompt and type in "set" to see what environment variables you may have. Others have asked toautomateadding theuser name, a variable set where I work.
Edited by: donha
Thanks Don,

Didn't realize the date and time was something needed. I knew you could get date from...&todays_date... didn't think about the time part... but yes I can see that as something that can be used in the never ending battle of documentation.

I know that by getting the file path or directory has opened up a good deal of automation processes to configuring other programs to where is Pro-E now for me.

I was just happy to get ms WORD to follow Pro around so I wouldn't have to do the dir surfing to the active working directory to insert pics and files into a doc. But find now that since word knows where I am with ProE . I can use the VBA in Word to do quite a number of things for me, with the tree file,inf files etc.

Kudo's to you Don for the time stamp
I didn't have much luck using a batch file to get the date and time written to a file by redirection.

So I have different method to do this, you have to have wscript.exe on your puter which is a gimme nowdays.. if not, it's available at microsoft's website


mapkey ds @SYSTEMwscript c:\\proe2001\\batch\\datetime.vbs;

vbs routine location needs to relate to the mapkey location..your choice

vbs routine .... datetime.vbs

dim fso, myfile
set fso = createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
set myfile = fso.opentextfile("c:\datetime.txt",2,true)
myfile.writeline now()

you can use notepad and paste in the code... rename to datetime.vbs or whatever you want to call it... and also you can change the "c:\datetime.txt" to whatever you prefer..

So it's pretty much the same as the path name deal...just uses vbs the date and time can be insert as note like the other... it will not update like &todays_date

only if you gorun againwill it be current and reinsert note

Happy Stamping!!.. special thanks to Don and Brian_Adkins for getting me to think of different ways to skin a cat

Maybe an easy question for you.

I want a parameter to be equal the file path of the part.

When you use the main menu, Info:Model you get an information window
called "INFORMATION WINDOW(prt0001.inf)" On the first line it has
the part name and the full file path. I want a Parameter to be
set to this file path whenever the part is opened.

This way I can see what path it was pulled from. (has more detailed benifits)

I understand that it was a simple system varible that went away after 2000i.

Currently using 2001. Switching to Wildfile soon.

What do you think?
How about this change, the batch file to write to working dir instead of root

and the relation from the thread above... rel_model_name

then mapkeyboth into a note .. the you should be able to set parameter to note

value and you would have full path and model name as a model parameter

which also could be used in repeat regions of a report...certainly not a one step process .. there really should be a &model_path to begin with
Inf files

One thing I have never cared for is the way ProE outputs these files. Depends on how many times you do a Info>Model as to what the ending extension is.... .inf.3,inf.4 and so on. Unless you config windows to open all the different numbers with your editor, it's a pain. Then to top it off you don't seem to be able to copy and paste from Pro's Information window..say to a note. So then you have torename the inf.? file to .txt so you can copy and paste from that... another pain.

It's great that ProE outputs this Info. I just wish they had made it a little easier to use the info.If I have my file set to "display_full_object_path yes", it will output those paths in the inf file even if I am pulling a model for a drawing from another's there... I like the option to use that info without too much trouble.

So, with a little VBS here is a way, you have to make sure there in only one set of inf file in your work dir..doesn't matter if its the same with all the .2,.3,.4 will purge those away ... and my purge.bat is on my path so it's a one liner on code. The mapkey wd will output a file so VBS will know what folder you are in, then the script runs and renames the inf file to a txt file.... then this is set to grab the maodel name for a drawing.. trims out the extra info and returns just the modelmname with full path.

With a little bit of tweaking, you could set this to get all the paths-model names of a assy.
So any questions let me know, but here is the code, naming and locations can be changed to suit your setup
script is named vbsinf.vbs and the path it gets is called
from c:\workdir.txt
Additonal mapkeys can be added in to automate the Info>model and create note from file... but you have to edit the note key, by dropping the last couple of lines or it just sticks in the same text value each time

Happy inf'ing

dim wdir,mypath
dim dirpath

set wdir=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set mypath=wdir.opentextfile("c:\workdir.txt",1,true)

Dim FSO, oFile, oFolder, strFolder
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strFolder = dirpath

For Each oFile in FSO.GetFolder(strFolder).Files
If InStr(oFile.Name, "inf.") Then

If FSO.FileExists(FSO.GetParentFolderName(oFile) & "\fileinfo.txt") Then
FSO.DeleteFile FSO.GetParentFolderName(oFile) & "\fileinfo.txt"
End If

FSO.MoveFile oFile, FSO.GetParentFolderName(oFile) & "\fileinfo.txt"
Exit For
End If

set mypath=wdir.opentextfile("fileinfo.txt",1,true)

dirpath = mid(dirpath,instr(dirpath,"C:\"))


set mypath=wdir.opentextfile("triminfo.txt",2,true)
mypath.writeline dirpath

mapkey wd @SYSTEM cd>c:\\workdir.txt;
mapkey vb @SYSTEM purge;@SYSTEMwscript c:\\proe2001\\batch\\vbsinf.vbs;
mapkey av %wd;%vb;


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