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You can change directly the diameter dimension to read M12 x &ad25. (will be something like M@d x&ad25 )To write this directly in the diameter dimension. But I had problems with this, because the dimensions are not always updating. So I always create a note and write those two in note. This way they always update.
I have tried that as a solution, but can't get the dimension to display M12 x 25, all it does is M12 x &add*. This is begining to worry me. I'm sure I did this before but just can't remember how the hell I did it......
Sorry, a typo in my last post, I know that it is &d and &ad (ie switch dim info).
When I do it as a note, this works perfectly, but when I try to do it as an embedded dimension I get the M12 x &ad111......As the French would say, Je suis confused.
Have you any idea if there is a config or .dtl setting that I could manipulate?
Are you sure you have the name of the dimension you want to embed called out correctly? All of the dimensions I have added only have one 'd' like 'ad123' Below I created the dia10 and added the 25.11 to it. Otherwise I don't know why you can't get it to work.View attachment 3737
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