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Division spline into arcs and measure


New member
Hello guys

my problem is this.I have a spline and i wantto devide the spline into small arcs and find the radius,the starting and the ending point of each arc.I have tried to use the Geometry analysis and the choice Sections,but the only that i have made,was to find the minimum and the maximum radius without showing to me where are these arcs on the spline.Is there any chance to help me anybody?

Thank you

Do you have a copy of Rhino (one of the "convert to" functions)or can you post the curve (WF2 readable; native or neutral)?
Sorry but i don't understand when you write Rhino.I don't know what do you mean.Can you be more specific,please?Thank you for your patience.

Rhino is another program, not a Pro/E function.
It has a function that will convert a spline to
tangent(?) arc segments. I don't know of a way to
do that in Pro/E.

If you can post the curve I will convert it (or
try to) and post the results back.


This is the file with the curve and the points.If you can help me,i ll be grateful.
Thank you

Attached is WF2 prt, an iges and a text file.
I brought into an inch file and went from there, so you
might have to scale it if I guessed incorrectly. If
something doesn't look right I can take another look

- - - -

Without knowing your purpose I don't know if it's applicable,
but you do know that you can put a datum point (or an array
of points) on a curve and use the (?) Analysis / Geometry /
Point tool to find the radius of the curve at that point?

Edited by: jeff4136
Jeff4136, I have tried the way with points,that you suggest, and the use of analysis module,and, finally,i took what I want.Your advice was the best.I figure that the problem with the spline curve is that is divided into very small arcs,and it is very difficult to take the perfect precision.Thank you for your help
Good deal if you got what you need from it.
A spline's curvature can be continuously variable (if I understand
what you mean by 'very small arcs'. Sometimes people want to
simplify the curves, for one reason or another, into a chain
of arcs as you originally asked for. If there's some other goal
and you haven't really satisfied it you might explain a little
and see if someone can find a better solution.


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