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de-select entities when making dimensions


New member
Is it possible to de-select an entity during dimension creations in a drawing? Everytime I select the wrong entity, i have to get out of the create dimension menu manager and restart the process from the beginning. Very annoying and tedious.

thks in advance,

wildfire 3.0
> possible to de-select an entity

Don't think so.

> Everytime I select the wrong entity, i have to
> get out of the create dimension menu manager and
> restart the process from the beginning.
> Very annoying and tedious.

Yep. Don't see what Menu Manager has to do with it, though.
You've got a Menu Manager Attachment Type list showing that
you don't have to pay any attention to unless you need it.

A few things that might help you ...
_ If you pick an incorrect object pick one or two more objects
(depending on if it's the first or second object you got wrong;
you want more objects (3?) in the selection set than allowed for
a dimension. MMB to place. You get a 'not allowed' error and
go on about your business creating a new selection set.
_ Canceling out and restarting; don't cancel anything, simply
click the Create Dim toolbutton to restart the function.
_ Preselect items are id'd on the status line. Look before you
pick and you'll get the right item?
_ Don't flinch when you pick. If that's a problem; try MMB,
Pick from List.
_ If you've turned preselect highlighting off try setting Query

You can redefine the attachments for dimensions that are not quite where you wanted.

select dim-->rmb-->edit attachment

sometimes if I have a dimension I do not want, I move it away and erase or delete later...That way I can keep on dimensioning and it will be clear the dimension is not correct

you can also add too many references (like 3) and the dimension will not be created, allowing you to keep dimensioning

too bad you could not use show dimensions for your circumstance



Edited by: magneplanar


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