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cuts/visual style


New member

I'm pretty new to wildfire 2, but i have to make an assembly manual as an assignmentfor my internship. I have randomly drawed some stupid parts and made it into an assembly.

What i really want is the following:

This I did by opening the parts individually and made the cut via extrusion. But i want to ask if there is any possibility to do it with for example a style in view manager.

If i do it with cross section i get something like this witch i don't want:

can someone help me with this problem?
hm... seems to look like ordinary X-section to me with hatching turned off.

If You want to have a control over "cuted" parts use Edit > Solidify > Remove instead. This is realy easy to use, just pick the plane which should serve as cuttin plane and perform Solidify > Remove.

There is a Tab which gives You a control over intersected parts.
Thanks! the soldify > remove works perfectly.

Is there also another way where you don't add a feature to the assemby which also adds a feature to the part? Becauseif you do the soldify > remove, you actually add something to the part and then it wants to save the changes to part which i don't want to do because the parts belongs to other designers.

well, as far as I know, there is no extra features created in parts by the use of Edit > Solidify> Remove

this cut is done temporaly in assembly mode - check this by opening any component

I suppose You noticed those extra features visible in model tree while working in the assembly mode, right?

well they are only temporaly


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