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Cosmetics on detail


New member
I have a view and some details views from my main view, the problem is that i want the cosmetics to show on my main view but not in my details, when i try to turn them off in the layers it won't let me, it turns off also on my main view
lets hop you have created the main and the detialed view,

open the layers window, there in you see a active object section, its the drawing by default. Now click on it and select "Drawing View" and select which ever (in your case the detailed) view you want to work upon, Now hide which ever (in your case the cosmetic feature) layer off.

thats what i feel will solve your problem..




When you do that on a detail view it says, the view depends on the main vio or where the detail is coming from i already try that but i won't let me
Yes you are right.

try another option.

first thing you do, there is a option is drawing setup as below,


change the status to yes,

then create a general view with the same orientation as the main view and scale as requred in the detailed view.

what i mean to say is to present this general partial view as your detailed view and erase your detailed view.

then you can manage the cosmetic using the layer as i have instructed you in the previous mail.

may be there is some one can suggest us a better way, but i have tried this and it worked.

Byeeeeeee see you,

and All the best.


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