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copying drawing with model...


New member
How would a person copy a part and also copy the related .drw file? Previously to make a copy I simply used backupon the .drw file and this was time consuming when dealing with large multi-part assemblies.

It's like the code of DaVinci...
Assuming no PDM system, here is the easiest way:

Open the drawing. File/rename/insession. Open the part. File/rename/insession. Save the drawing.

If you want the new part to be used in any existing assemblies they must be opened in session before the rename and saved after the rename, otherwise they will still use the old part.
No PDM system. There isa way to use the 'save as' function to save a model and the related drawing tags along.
jelston said:
No PDM system. There isa way to use the 'save as' function to save a model and the related drawing tags along.
It only works if you name the model and the drawing exactly the same and set the config option rename_drawings_with_object to yes.


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