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Contour fixing problem

Asho Pulsar

New member
HI all,

I cant able to fix the contour while bendback which i have marked as red in the picture below. Infact proe is not asking that option at all while bending back. I tried deformation area that too its not working.

Awaiting for your prompt
I'm not that familiar with the 'bend back' feature, but looking at you image it seems like the bend surface isn't completely broken. There's a sliver of the cylindrical surface joining the main body to that little tab. Perhaps that's causing Pro|E to see it as one bend instead of three.
After fixing the contour straight, im gonna place one form feature on dat particular area that covers the top small cut out.
Can u just explain it that silver of the cylindrical surface joining the main body to the little tab. I cudnt able to get dat.


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