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Cannot find part in assembly


New member
We use Modelcheck and one of the things we check for in assemblies are suppressed components. The problem I am having is that when Modelcheck is run on the 'top-level' it is flagging a part as suppressed but the part does not exist in the assembly at the top-level or any other level.

I have tried to do a 'find' for the missing part and it shows up when you begin to type in its number in the search field but it still does not show up when you actually do the 'find'.

Any suggestions?
Have you tried using the model tree to locate the part? You should be able to manipulate it from there. Also if you are assembling assemblies, You may have to go into the orginal assembly and try and find it .
Actually that is the first place I looked. This part does not exist at any level in the assembly. I confirmed this by searching all submodels.
Th engineer I am working withcame up with this:

"It turns out that there's a function (edit--resume-all) that will resume all supressed features. When I did that the supressed part failed so I just deleted it, which fixed the modelcheck error."<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">
I had a similar problem. Might want to see if 'Suppressed Objects' are set to be displayed in the model tree, otherwise they will not show up in the model tree. To access, at the top of the model tree click on 'Settings' drop down and then select 'Filters'. The 'Suppressed Objects' should be checked.
Yes, I have that checked in my tree filters, which is why it was so cofusing that I could not find it.

Thanks for the post.
I think I can help you find them, but fixing them is still unknown.

First change/add to your file the option info_output_format and set it to TEXT. This will change your information output from the default HTML (show up in the browser) to plain text (show up in an information window). You will have to restart Pro/E for this option to take effect. Then go Info, Feature List, and in that window you will see the feature list including suppressed items. Your hidden suppressed components will appear as suppressed with a suppression level with a negative number. On some models I was able to use Tools, Program, Edit, to remove the hidden suppressed components. On other models, the hidden suppressed components did not show up in Pro/Program. Hope this helps somehow and if you can figure out how to remove the hidden suppressed components, come back and share it with the rest of us.


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