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BOM ballon line thickness


Is there a setting which i can thicken the lines of the BOM baloon's? i am not talking about the text but rather the balloon itself.

Also i am in the process of making a instruction manual. I am wondering what method people use to export their drawings to WORD, or PDF. or some text editor.

ATM i am using microsoft image printer to get a tiff file. which nicely inserts to word. The final product will then be printed to PDF. Giving the customer a CD and printed copy.
I tried this a few weeks ago and didn't find a way, in time.I ended up with making the text a little bigger and thicker, I used "filled". But then when I finished my project I found this on ptc site:

I think I could have used this to create a balloon symbol with a thicker line (just create a circle and change the line style) and then assign the symbol to the balloons like it says, but now it's too late. But give it a try and see if it's working.

This is how it happens, when you don't need it then you find out how to do it.


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