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Bending Pipe


New member
Hey guys. Im new to the pro/E world. I've got most the basics down. I have a question though. If i have a long straight pipe, how do i make bends in it? Please let me know how to, or if its even possible. Thanks guys.

Use a sweep, under the insert menu.

First, draw a sketch of the trajectory that you want the tube to follow.

The sweep command will ask you to make another sketch and the end pt of the trajectory of your tibung.


If you want both The Bent and straight pipe you will need to use Family tables. And the process describe by MOTO
<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
You could use warp to bend a pipe to not very parametric and hard to use.

There is a way to do it in Piping. I can
Try to use the PIPE feature. It'll create the centerline of the pipe also. Create first a straight pipe. Then make a spinal bend. It works most of the times.

I hope it helps.


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