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Balloon sizes


New member
Want to increase the the balloon size from what it is.

I go into FILE --> PROPERITES --> DRAWING OPTIONS. I then look for a ballom size but there isn't one that I can clearly see.

Can someone direct me to where I can find it or how I can change the size?.

Try setting the .dtl file to these:



We have both of these settings set to 0.200 in our .dtl file. That way the balloon size stays the same wether you have 1 or 2 numbers in the balloon. HTH.

Which .DTL?

I saw the min_balloon and ma in the detail.dtl, I modifiedthat one, butdidn't seem to work.

Thanks though.
The .dtl file I'm referring to is your standard drawing set up file. We have our values set to this:

min_balloon_radius 0.200

max_balloon_radius 0.200

This will only work with new drawings. If you need to change a current drawing you will have to change the .dtl file for that drawing by the method you stated above. IF you already have balloons on the drawing I'm not sure they will update. After a drawing regen if they don't update you may have to remove the balloons and then add them again for the .dtl option to work.



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