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Wildfire - Certification

I had asked this question earlier in another string, but got no response. I think that certification is always a good thing.

Steve C
I've investigated it some, but my employer is a reseller and services provider, not a mainstream manufacturing company. All our technical people must get certified. We are doing it because it will soon be a prerequisite for PTC certified trainers. It is also something our sales people can bring up with customers.

I passed the level 1 exam at the Pro/USER Conference in Orlando. You definitely have to know your selection techniques. I learned a few tricks just from taking the test. If you have taken Fast Track to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire or Update Training for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire class you have a decent chance of passing the exam. If you haven't had any Wildfire training good luck.

There are three core exams scheduled. Then there will be application specific exams (Mechanica, INTRALINK, Surfacing, Mfg, etc). The level 2 exam is due out this fall.

In general, I agree with Steve. Certification looks good on a resume. But I don't know how any manufacturing companies are using the certification.
I think the process is new to the Pro/E user base. I know in Unigraphics many people went out right at the first few weeks of the certification and took the test. They were marketing it as 'Be one of the first one hundred to get certified'.

Is this certification new to Wildfire or has it been part of Pro/E for sometime now?

Steve C
It is new to Wildfire. I took the Beta Exam and have not heard anything as far as test results. I think I should have done OK considering I have never been on Wildfire.
I would wonder if some companies might shy away from any kind of certification because of the job market. When I get more modeling time and more training time I know I'll be asking my boss for time and money to take the test.

Steve C

