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WF4 M080 runs, M120 doesn’t?!


New member

I'm running WF4M080 (and WF2 and WF5) at work. For a customer I also need to run WF4 M120. All are 32 bit versions. So I installed WF4 M120, but it doesn't start:
It runs up to the point where I select the license and then after that it should start xtop.exe but simply closes the license window and does nothing.
It seems xtop.exe doesn't start or immediately crashes, because it doesn't show up in task manager. I tried reinstalling and checked and compared every setting I could think of.

What could the cause be?
I just found the cause: one of the installation files *.cab on our server somehow was corrupt. I found out when I unpacked the zipped installation CDs and noticed the unpacked CDs on my PC were larger tahn on the server. That specific file was >200MB instead of >500 MB.

After reinstalling with the freshly unpacked installation CDs it now works. Really weird though, that ProE doesn't warn about corrupt/incomplete installation files during installation...


Problem solved!


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