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Viewing the center line of a revoled pattern


New member
Instead of creating a curve to show centerline of a revoled pattern. Their was a time it would appear by just doing a show centerline. Any help. I am using 2001
Not sure if this is what you mean but...

there is a setting to show the centerline of a bolt circle pattern. I don't have pro in front of me right now, otherwise I would give you the exact terminology
Whoops my bad, so much for relying on my memory.

The actual setting is in drawing set up; go to (in drawing mode)

drawing>advanced> drawing set up

and look for the parameter : radial_pattern_axis_circle

under the axes group and set it to yes

then when you show/erase axes, if you have patterned a circular pattern the bolt circle center line shows up. works with either holes or cuts.

let me know if you want a file
Thanks Bem. I think I've got it. It appears that someone in proi admin. forgot about having to show these centerlines.

Anyway what do you do for a living? I'm working a contract at Lockheed Martin. In Colorado.
Small world !

I worked for lock-mart in waterton, CO for about 15 years Do you work at the main plant?

As for what I do, I was a consultant (read unemployed), now I design antennas (think cell phones and direct tv) Feel free to email me at the address provided by proe central

