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Using spinal bend to create a perfect helix


New member
View attachment 131

Here is the section i want to project into a helix (like a hose with intricate cuts). I was wondering if I can use spinal bend to do this. Or can I apply helical swp?


View attachment 387

So here is the helix I created to specification using helical sweep. Now is there anyway of turning this tube into a stent with the above pattern I have (both same diameter same thickness). Please could anyone give me step by step instructions because I am new to Pro/Eng

Many thanks

Ok but I really am inexperienced with spinal bend. Can I use parametric equations to specify the spine trajectory? The pitch of the helix is 15mm and of circular radius 1.25mm. Hence the equations for a helix would be 1.25sint, 1.25cost, 15t right?

Please can someone help


when u work it out can u make a post :)

also forward to model over as i would love to have a play with that type of model construction


Regards Puppet
It is possible because I though I saw a picture on the previous thread. Any way, maybe zhirayr could post the basic model to save us creating this portion. I will work on it time permitting


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