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Unbend square tube for lasercutting

johan bax

New member
Hello All,

I'm trying to unbend a square tube in creo 2.0.
What did i do:
- scetch a line for the sweep and create a sweep
- switch to sheetmetal using a shell
- cut the tube for bending
when i try to unbend at this point Creo simply crashes.
- i add some corner relief
when i try to unbend at this point the feature works, creo show the unbended tube. but when i finish the unbend feature the troubleshooter tells me Highlighted surfaces cannot be unbent. Recommended actions: Try ripping out the surfaces.
And this is where i get stuck.


Can anyone help me with this? I'm new to using sheetmetal with tubes


You cannot unbend a tube. Creo Sheetmetal only understands open sheetmetal. The bend properties are also not the same for a tube vs. sheetmetal. You may be able to use Pro/Piping but last I remember it doesn't do anything except round tubing. You may be better off calculating the unbent state and making either a family member or another part. Another option is a Tweek feature but you still need to calculate it and it actually works better to bend vs. unbend.


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