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tree tangent circle on sketch mode.


New member
Hi everyone:

this is getting to my last nerve. Every time I use the three tangent circle on the stecher mode it don't let get out because i have open loops. How can that be possible when i have to click on the three edges to get the circle? What's is the porpuse of having that tool, if have to trim the arc and do it agian to close the loop?
It's real value is that it figures out the radius value for you

Not really following what you are trying to do... but sometimes it good

to turn off Intent Mangler...:)
Oh well, i thought that if is tangent is a close loop. But then again is not what i expect from it, is just what it's doing for me.
I don't know what to tell you, I know you are probably on WF..I'm just a lowly r2001 person....

something I did just notice is that with Intent Mangler on in r2001.. I don't see the 3 tangent option ..not from the sketcher pulldown or from the circle flyout.... If I rmb then I get three points... but not 3 tan

I only get that option with IM off... and it works fine.. and if I use 3 tan arc it's trimmed up... say I was putting an arc ona two angles meeting a flat in the bottom..I regen tells me ..not all open ends have been explicitly aligned..yadeya... I see the constraints...if i turn IM back on it doesn't warn me

I hit done and it goes on to blind...up to etc.

Either way, all I need is the arc because it's closed off to a solid.I can flex the parent geometry and the arc adjusts accordingly.Radius and location

Maybe some WF users can give it a whirl... see what they come up with

BTW...where did they hide the 3 tan in WF...on the RMB?
Could you move the screen a little closer please

I got a menu mapper for wildfire .. I could take a look there...

You can still turn Intent Manager can't you?.. it's certainly clearer on it's menu

I'll look at the map... I can't tell from the I said IM off for r2001 otherwise it's 3 point
Can't it be done just using the constrains window? (Placing 3 tangent constrains on the circlo to the adjacent edges or lines) :)
So sure if you are tlaking about WF or r2001.... yes with IM on you can do it with IM on, but it takes quite a number of more picks

IM off..... cir 3 tan menu.. pick the 3 and it's done..trimmed and ready
Hi guys:

Today i'm not having problems with the circle tangent to three entitie (that's how the wf2 calls it.) and like usually i think i wasn't clicking on the right spot. Some times speed will mess yourday up. So today i took my time to make surethat i was getting the three t's, before running thru the feature,

View attachment 1006

sorry for the inconvenience.wsylvester i even got a better image(long week last week)

Edited by: arroyopr

Great !!! There is a little know config option, not sure if it works if WF, probably does, it's sort of like tooltips but quicker , it will showhelp in the lower left corner

button_name_in_help YES

Not saying you need help
it's a nice option tho

Arroyopr... check your PM

thanks for the suggestion, i'll look into it. I always apreciate help mustly when is voluntarily. With my kind of luck if i say"i don't need help" that's when it comes right back at me. if know what i'm mean.


