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Toyota TOGO cad


New member
Does anyone have any experience with Toyota togo cad?

I have been given some parts that were converted to iges but they are horrible. Are there optimal settings for TOGO iges files for pro e?


We have worked with Togo cad data in the past and have always found them to be problematic. We have a services group that can help you recreate the data in Pro/E. Please contact me at (201) 995 9285 if you are interested in this.

Thank you

Kumar Rajan

My contract with Toyota states that I cannot use a third party to convert my files.

As I had mentioned in a previous post, I have seen your site already. Please stop the sales pitch.

I was just talking with my co-worker about different CAD programs I have used in the past and Togo CAD popped up.

I remember being a resident engineering in Toyota, Japan when they rolled out Togo. I ended up using it for a couple of years.

I can certainly see why one would have had a hard time importing togo iges files. togo was not a solid modeling program. it was wireframe with surface. most of the time you would have the outer skin and then would have to reference a section view to see the thickness.

Did any of you use togo cad? what year did Toyota come to their senses and dump it?


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