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System Parameter Values Alert - Msg Wndow



[Wildfire 2, Intralink 3.4]

After we upgraded to Wildfire 2 and Intralink 3.4, we get the following types of messages in the message window when bringing up our assemblies:
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">

System parameter values in Family Table may not be up to date for PART1#AF0<PART1>.PRT.</BLOCKQUOTE>

I can't seem to do anything about it. One thing that many of these parts have in common is that they were created with EFX (Expert Framework). Does anyone have any idea as to what this means and how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance.
Your not going to like this but heres what PTC has told me to do to fix this. Any values in the table that are * need to be the actual values. Also all family tables need to be regenerated and saved in WF 2.0 since the format needs to be updated. The few Family tables I did this on seemed to work. For me its a few weeks and I have not migrated yet...
Thanks, slashct. But I did forget to mention one important thing (sorry!). These are not actual family table parts (no generics, no instances), which makes it even more weird. These are just regular parts....
Edited by: Jason Turk
<DIV>All user-definedparameters are accounted for. There are some system-level parameters created by Intralink. But these parts don't appear to be any different than others that do not get this message. There's only about 10 parts that are getting this out of about 200. But it's still annoying...</DIV>
<DIV>I've logged a call with PTC technical support. If I find anything out, I'll keep you posted.</DIV>
Edited by: Jason Turk
<DIV>Talked to PTC. This is a known issue. SPR # 1118666 has already been issued. It is resolved in Wildfire 2, datecode M100, which is scheduled to release late February or early March, 2005.</DIV>
<DIV>Workaround: Export to disk, import to Workspace. (or just wait for M100)</DIV>
Edited by: Jason Turk
Yup - That SPR was filed courtesy of us. :) We had the same issue here. Pro says it's just a warning message, not a show stopper.. just a matter of sitting back and waiting.

