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Sweep feature up to a cylindrical surface


New member
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to create a sweep that ends on a cylindrical surface. Basicly I have one circular sweep feature on a curved trajectory leading into the curved side of a circular feature.

The result I am looking for is the same as if you Extrude a feature up to surface and the pick the side of the cylinder as the ending surface.

I may be going in the wrong direction on this one so any help would be super.

In the first reply I am going to try to attach an example file of what I am attempting to do.


extend (redefine) the datum curve you are using for the sweep so the swept surface intersects the cylinder.

Try creating a datum curve by intersecting the two surfaces if you want to see that they overlap.

Make sure the cylinder is high enough that your sweep will be able to completely intersect it.

What version are you using?

For this I am using WildFire.

I thought of that, but does that not change the mass properties of the part by having one protrusion inside another?

Is what you said standard technique?

When originaly learning the software I was told that we should not intersect one protrusion inside of another unless that was design intent. But in retrospect it seems a lot of things I was told while learning the software were personal bias of the instructor.

I would do it as a surface and merge them when finished.

You could then create a solid using quilt.

As far as standard technique goes I dont use solids so I cant answer that.


