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Subscription Options


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Is it possible to get some new subscription options on this forum? I get upwards of 50 emails a day from the forum. I immediately delete about 80% of them. What's most frustrating is repeated notices of updates to a thread I don't care about.

Ideally I'd like to get notified once for a new thread and never again unless I actually subscribe to the thread. That alone would reduce my MCAD Central email volume by 80%.

I'm not sure whatforum software MCAD Central is using or if that's even possible to do. I know different forum software has different capabilities.

Another, less important, enhancement would be to include the full content (or at least a sentence or two) of the post in the notification email. Would help decide if this is a topic I'm interested in or not.

My work time is more valuable than my personal time, so having a more efficient notification system is more important here than at other forums that I visit.
Un-Watch this topic for replies
What's most frustrating is repeated notices of updates to a thread I don't care about.

.. if you post to a thread then u are on the watch list...... unless.......

scroll down.... .see that Un-watch link
Right, but even unsubscribing doesn't help as a subscription to a forum gets me notices of all posts, new threads or replies, to anything within that forum.

There are many threads that I've never even viewed that I get repeated notices on.
set my shortcut to active topics... and unless I post on a thread.. that's it.. which I can elect to watch or not.

..I think I get a daily update... which goes to bulk.

ptcuser on the other hand was better with the newsreader..IMHO I get emails all day long.. even after ? was answered... at least the out of office's are gone

but replaced witha 20-30k ad/disclaimer...
Great ideas, if I don't want to use email. I do want to use email, however.
I'm not interested in coming to see if there's something new every so often. Maybe I should try it, but I don't think it'll work forme as well as email.

I will have to check into that setting to not automatically get notices on threads I reply to.
Or check out of the second box option, which is below your posting and Directly Above the Post Reply button, I'm suprissed you never saw it.

I usually un-check the second box shown below.
Of course every time you edit your post will automatically checks this box for you.

[√] Email Notify me of Replies. and you won't get those emails.

View attachment 4233

I sometimes leave it checked and when I get the first emails I save them to a folder so I can go back to forums I'm interested in later atmy choosing. Then I Click on the the second link to prevent receiving more emails.

To view and/or reply to the post then click on the link below : -
[url] 675&TPN=2[/url]

If you no-longer wish to recieve email notification for this Topic or Forum click on the link below : -
[url] 4675&FID=16&M=Unsubscribe [/url]

If you don't care about so many threads then why don't you stop posting replies to them and remember to uncheck the Notify Me box?


Edited by: mjcole_ptc
I have seen that and usually remember to uncheck it. I've since found the setting in the preferences to uncheck that by default. (Click the 'settings' button at the top of the page, then click on 'Profile'. At the bottom of the profile page, select 'no' on the option 'Notify me of replies to posts'. This makes the 'Email Notify me of Replies' box unchecked by default.)

However, if you've subscribed to a forum instead of a post (this post is called 'Subscription Options' and it's in the 'Rant and Rave' forum), then you get an email for each and every new post or a reply to an old on in that forum. This morning I had 75 emails from MCAD Central, all but 4-5 were for topics I wasn't interested in. Probaly at least half were duplicate notices on the same post (5 emails for the 5 new replies to a post).

I'm not subscribed to any topics, only forums.
Oh you mean it subscribes you to every post in Assembly, Rant & Rave etc.

Boy am I glad I never subscribed to a forum, especially the Rant & Rave one. Those 20+ page topics about ProE v Solidworks. Really a waste of time but it helps blow off steam without damaging equipment.

Maybe you can have the emails sent to an online site that groups emails like a blog. That would reduce mailbox clutter.


Edited by: mjcole_ptc
mjcole_ptc said:
Oh you mean it subscribes you to every post in Assembly, Rant & Rave etc.

Sort of, it doesn't actually subscribe you to every post, but effectively that's how the forum subscription works. I like it in that the questions come to me, I don't have to visit the site to scan for new stuff. I just wish I could fine tune it more. Now it's all or nothing, I'd just like to get new topics only. ThenI can subscribe to topics I'm interested in to get all replies on them.

mjcole_ptc said:
Maybe you can have the emails sent to an online site that groups emails like a blog. That would reduce mailbox clutter.

Kinda defeats the point of having the notices come to me if I've still got to go to a site to check them. Right now I manage by having Outlook move MCAD Central mail to a folder and sorting that folder by subject, but being able to fine tune the notifications would be much better.


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