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Style (ISDX)

a few questions...

1. is there a way to thicken my curve in style? lets say i wanted to make a shell out of the curve i drew, is that possible?

2. are there any ways to make my sketches more...accurate? i dont know if thats the right way to put it, but it seems that for style its alot of sketching by hand, and not alot of measured sketching?

not sure if these questions are being worded correctly, and ill try to clarify if i can, but any help would be appreciated.

and thanks for all the help so far!
you can always add in datam planes, point's even sketchs and use them as references (hold shift) when doing your stuff in isdx.

as far as i know you can only thicken the curve once your out of isdx. just select ur surfaces then edit--->thicken

You can use curves created in ProE in style. In other words you can mix and match both accurate curves and freestyle curves.

Does this answer your second question?
yes it does, but could you explain how i would actually do that? i see options for datum plans and such, but nothing for sketching.
The icon at the top of your toolbar with a grid and a blue sine wave will allow you to create unattached sketches. This is assuming you are on 2001 or higher.
I forgot to mention in my last post. Try pasting this into google:


It will bring up all ISDX info from the ptc site.
i cant seem to find the icon with the grid and blue sine wave. is it when you first open Pro/E, or in the Style menu? im using wildfire btw.

