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stretching center marks


New member

Years ago I guy showed me how to uniformly move (or lengthen) all four endpoints of a center mark by using an auxilliary key in conjunction with the movement of one endpoint. Basically I need to know how to unformly enlarge or shrink a center mark. Does anyone know how to do this? I long ago forgot how to do it and have been trying to eyeball the length of all four points separately (a laborious process).



You mean that as long as the axis display is ON, if I move one endpoint then all four move in (or out) accordingly?
No, you need to grab the 'A##' (axis symbol) to move,not the endpoint of one.

Sometimes this may take couple of tries depending on your zoom level and other drafting entities around.
Thanks charleskim! A bit awkward (probably due to my cheap graphics card) but MUCH BETTER than the way I was doing it!

Grab towards the center like what jrobi stated and you should see the cursor turn to a 4 way move, if you want 1 endpoint to move go to the end of the axis and you should see the cursor turn to either an up & down or side to side cursor.


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