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Streching a ballon symbol


New member
Anybody know of a way to "stretch" a symbol horizontally? Looking to create an oval symbol that contains a number, but has to "strecth" to accomodate longer numbers.


oooh! I'd like that, too. I tried some time back and ended up making a set of symbols at two or three character increments with centered text. Think in the end I found that to be less than ideal and settled for "boxing" the text.

If I can go off on a tangent; I'm assuming you intend to use these for BOM balloons (?). I've not tried in WF2, but couldn't define alternate symbols for ref balloons when using custom balloons in WF (?).
There have been some issues with symbols in WF. I have had trouble indexing size to text. WF2 from what I have seen (used for three months before recently taking a new job) is better that WF. A lot of nice usability enhancement over WF.


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