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Stepped Cross Section


New member
How do I create a stepped cross section in my model? Do I need datums located for each leg of the step?

Steve C
rcamp is right, you want an offset or unfolded cross section. It's a lot like creating a protrusion or a cut. Sketch plane, reference plane, intent manager. You sketch each leg of the cross section.
I guess I've always known them as stepped sections, but offset is what I want. So, I'm sketching the cutting planes as I would sketch a cut, correct?


Steve C
Yes, that is correct. You don't have to ref datum planes, you can ref any feature.

The annoying thing about these is they are invisible features, and if you add features or components after them, when you redefine the offset section, the model rolls back to the point of creation and you can't ref newer features/components. You can reorder them (the offset section) by using Pro-Program to cut and paste (they are cosmetic features), but I don't know why they don't just make them visible features.


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