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Standard Views in ProE?


New member
Hello, I am an experienced SolidWorks user, but I find
myself using ProE 4.0 for one project.

I am trying to understand how some things work and the
first question I have do I view a part from the
top/bottom/right? Is there no such thing as an icon for
each of the standard views?


if the part has predefined views then yes, you can use the icon that looks like a box with "AB" on top.

errr, it might not have pre-defined views as it was an
imported part.
When I click on that icon I get a box with two lines of
text: "Standard Orientation" and "Default Orientation".
When I click on either, the model rotates to an odd
position. Still, i do not have a "top, Bottom, or right"

How do I define the views?

Standard and default are the same view, either Isometric or Trimetric, depending on your config setting. One can be redefined (default I think) the other cannot,

I think Trimetric is the default in WF4 and I always found it odd as well. It makes it look like the model is leaning over. I think the config option (tools -> options) is 'orientation' and you shoudl set it to isometric.

You'll have to define views by orienting it be part surfaces or the default planes and then saving those views. You'll pick a planar surface as 'front' or 'back' and another surface to face 'top', 'bottom', 'left or 'right'.

If this is your first Pro/E project, you're in for a bit of a steep learning curve. SW does a very good job at getting you up and running out of the box, Pro/E doesn't. You have to set up and configure a lot. Hang in there, keep asking questions and don't get too frustrated and you'll figure it out.
For now you can manually orient the part to what you want to be top/bottom/right and save those named views.

To avoid having to do that every time you need to do two things:
  1. Define template part(s) that have all your named views established. You will find that there are many other things you will probably want in these template parts too like parameters, default datums, coordinate systems, layers, etc.
  2. Set the config option to use templates when importing files:

intf_in_use_template_models yes


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