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Spur Gear modelling..?


New member
I'm a student of Mechanical Engineering, and I'm studying at one Finnish polytechinc. I'm trying to practice my modelling skills with Pro/E WF3. I have one hydraulic pump which I'm trying to model, and I've made quite far, but the gears are giving me a really nice headache. I just can't manage to get even started with the gears, I've found many nice guides to model gears, but they're all for old Pro/Es and I can't find that kind of features etc. from the WF3. Could somebody teach me how to make a simple Spur Gear? I would really appreciate your help with this issue, because it would help me a lot in the future.

I've found this kind of articles, and I would really like to model those gears in mm's, not in inches..:

P.S. My teacher doesn't know any way to model a gear either... so it's a little hard to get started. Please notice that I'm in GMT+3-area. Thank you.

EDIT: This tutorial teaches quite nicely how to model a simple gear. However, I don't have a clue how to make the datum for mirroring the other side of the tooth. Could somebody give me a little advice for that? That would solve the problem.

Edited by: Kenzy
I,m try to create a tutorial for this, now can create this graphical or parametrically

you can create a "Relation"

with Db=base circle, to create the involute use this equation,

ang = t * 90
s = (PI * r * t ) / 2
xc = r * cos(ang)
yc = r * sin(ang)
x = xc + ( s * sin(ang))
y = yc
Hi Kenzy

u can find gear files on files section. take a look on these files and go ahead.
hi kenzy

i am pretty much in ur situation, well was.

i can help u with ur problem

firstly if u want to change the units , got to EDIT>SETUP and in the menu manager list u can see UNITS, choose that and select a preffered system of units.

now about designing gear....well i am sure that u know the basic dimensions required to start with. Once u've all that, use DATUM curve feature to define the circles as well as the involute curve. FROM MY EXPERIENCE IT'S BETTER TO USE DATUM CURVES THAN SKETCHING THE CIRCLES. since you are an engg student u shouldbe knowing the parametric equations for drawing most that wont be a problem. now make a part with single tooth and extrude it. then make an axial pattern of that single tooth. u can define the no.of tooth and the angle between each tooth.

to create the tooth profile, define an involute curve which forms one of the sides of te tooth, then create a datum plane that rotates about the central axis, rotate theplane so that it passes centrally through the tooth, you'll hav to do some calculations to find the exact angle by which the plane has to be rotated. Now trim the unwanted part of the involute curve( the part that lies outside the addendum circle). Mirror the involute curve about the datum plane.
Edited by: bufade
Spur gear builder

I'm a student of Mechanical Engineering, and I'm studying at one Finnish polytechinc. I'm trying to practice my modelling skills with Pro/E WF3. I have one hydraulic pump which I'm trying to model, and I've made quite far, but the gears are giving me a really nice headache. I just can't manage to get even started with the gears, I've found many nice guides to model gears, but they're all for old Pro/Es and I can't find that kind of features etc. from the WF3. Could somebody teach me how to make a simple Spur Gear? I would really appreciate your help with this issue, because it would help me a lot in the future.

I've found this kind of articles, and I would really like to model those gears in mm's, not in inches..:
Motion Positioning

P.S. My teacher doesn't know any way to model a gear either... so it's a little hard to get started. Please notice that I'm in GMT+3-area. Thank you.

EDIT: This tutorial teaches quite nicely how to model a simple gear. However, I don't have a clue how to make the datum for mirroring the other side of the tooth. Could somebody give me a little advice for that? That would solve the problem.

Edited by: Kenzy

To create the dxf of your gear you can use the application at Spur gears | ME-BAC
spur gear application

Take it elsewhere!!!

Dear Mr. Dross, my application is not spam, it's a free web application to create standard and corrected spur gears, to download the dxf profile of the gear and to study the involute profile of the gears. Useful for cad designers, students and researchers.


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