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I am looking for a simple 2D statics and/or kinematics plug-in for Pro/E or a separate application. If anyone has heard about such a thing please respond.
Symech ( is such a 3rd party app that runs in Pro/E but it looks like it doesn't do gravity or anything but 3-4 bar linkages.
I need a 3 bar with ground pivots on sliders. Need kinematic forces read at sliders. symech is cool however. Check the website.
I'm still looking to solve my problem. I tried Pro/M Motion but to hard to learn with out a class or tutorial. I'm looking for a Pro/M Motion tutorial or book also.
You can use MDO option which is comparatively easy to learn than Mechanica. Also there are 3 tutorials available in the documentation that comes with ProE CD.
As israr mention Mechanism Design Option (MDO) can do this type of analysis and it is relatively easy to learn. I have used both motion and MDO and MDO is definetely more easy to learn. If you need more advance functionaly then Pro/MOTION is the way to go. Also if you are looking for a tutorial you may try Pro/Mechanica Motion: Mechanism Design & Analysis Release 2001 by Kuang-Hua Chang. You can find this book in I have not used it but I think this your only choice if you don't want to spend to much taking a class. I hope this info helps.
I'll look into MDO. We are talking Pro 2001 right? I'm not sure whether it came with our package. What is a menu pick that would show me whether we have it? Or, what is the name of it in the output of the Help/Technical Support Info command? You'd think I would've seen it by now...
You will find the MECHANISM (MDO) option located under the Menu Manger. I believe MDO is included with ProE foundation at no extra charge. So this option should be available to you.
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