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sectional sweeps


New member
I have created a long datum curve that represents the pathway of a bridge. The bridge has different crosssections at different parts along this curve. Is there a way for me to use the same datum curve to create my bridge, but to specify where the start and end points are for the different sweep sections?
Is your curve 3d or planar ?

If it's planar just sketch another curve on top of it (use-edge) and a series of centerlines to divide it about. You'll then have vertices you can use to place your section sketches.

If it's not planar suggest creating an IBL file and enter your start/end points thru notepad...
it is a 3d curve. what is an ibl file? i'm new to proe. i just finished the tutorials two or three weeks ago, so i don't know my way around the program that well. if i enter in the start and end points, will i still be able to sketch and sweep the different cross-sections between them?
can anyone help me? i really need to finish my project. i tried putting datum points along the curve to define the different sections, but it won't sweep between the datum points.
Presumably you enterd your trajectory in x,y, z ???

Enter your trajectory data into IBL format and you can then edit this to segment your curve.

A vertex will occur at the join of each segment which can be used to locate your sketch - note that this will only place your section not orient it (hopefully your sections are all parallel to some other plane so that you can use this constraint).

Check this link to find out about IBL files:

There's a good example of one there.

Once you have your IBL then import a datum-curve from-file and use this IBL.
Sorry I forgot, if you need the sections to be normal (you don't believe in giving out too much detail, huh ?) You can use this curve for a swept-blend trajectory.

Either way, creating an IBL should work for you..
sorry if my descriptions are sparse. i don't know what info would be helpful to you. i'm trying out the split curve option right now.... i seem to be able to sweep between datum points on the curve. where do i create the ibl file? in notepad or pro e?
You create the IBL in Notepad.

Actually you can create this in anything, if you use a spreadsheet make sure you end up with a text file with the extension *.ibl

The link I gave earlier will give you the correct syntax but you can segment a curve as follows:


1 2.5 4.6 7.9

2 8.7 8.6 4.5

3 3.5 4.7 8.6


1 2.5 4.6 7.9

2 8.7 8.6 4.5

3 8.7 8.6 4.5

4 3.5 4.7 8.6

This will create the same curve as the original but with 2 segments...

