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Scope Issues with Family Tables


New member
Hi everyone. I ran into a stubborn problem yesterday and would greatly appreciate any help you guys can give me.

Say I have a family table with a generic model and two instances: a cone with a flanged base, and another cone with the same geometry but the flange is machined off. It's sort of like this:

Flanged: <|

Unflanged: <

I need both instance models to have a datum plane called A on their base surfaces (for GD&T purposes). However, pro/e won't let me create a plane with the same name on more than one model.

Just for good measure, if any of you are familiar with object-orientedprogramming, let me explain my problemthis way. I have a "base class" (generic model) with two "classes" inheriting it (instance models), and I want to create "private variables" (these datum planes)in the derived classes. Pro/E is handling all my variables as if they are "public".

Sorry about the lengthy post, butis there any way around this, or do I have to design it differently?Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not sure I completely understand how you're modeling things but if you put the datum in the generic it should show in the instances unless you specify that you don't want the feature to show in the instance. Not sure but it sounds like you want to be able to have different tolerance values for the instances. For this you can create a parameter and set the value of the tolerance using a relation. You can add the parameter to the family table to change it.


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