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save copy of assembly in 2.0 Beta


New member
Hello Everyone, Newbie to this site...

I am running wildfire 2.0 Beta and have a large assembly that I want to save a copy of (4000 parts approx) Yes there are sub assemblies..

When I save cpoied as a new name while reusing ALL parts I did some changes in this new file and all changes reflected back to the Original file !!!

I dont know if I am doing something wrong or if this is a BUG

Another problem I run into is when I change location definitions THEN regenerate assy it moves the parts BACK to the old location?

any Ideas?

No, I did not change parts (I realize that it would change part in any other assy its used in)

I just want to COPY the assy as another assy then be able to modify the new assy...add new parts , move parts or sub-assy etc.

WITHOUT the changes showing up in the old assemblie that was copied
When you say you change location definitions, how are you doing this? Are you editting the definition (i.e., changing constraints) or are you applying temporary translations and rotations (in 2001 this way Modify > Mod Assem > Move; not sure what the WF command is).

Moving components using the latter method is NOT a good practice.
To create an independent copy of the assembly, unrelated to the original assembly, what command are you using? You should be using File > Save a Copy, not File > Rename.
I am using EDIT DEFINITION after selecting assy Then I either modify offset number or delete constraints and define new go where i want them but when I regenerate some snap back to ol position ..something not right

I talked with tech support this morning and we did a webcast and He could not resolve it either so I am thinking its a BUG...if it is thats a big one

If that is indeed the case (Edit Definitions not working properly), then this is HUGE.

The massive bugs in assembly constraints in SDRC I-DEAS Master Series 4 is what turned me off I-DEAS forever. And for 6 years I was their biggest advocate.

Hopefully this issue is only limited to the Beta version.
Dave Martin,

Edit Definition sometimes work and sometimes don,t work. But this is beta version and I have pointed out this to PTC.

To EDMAS, you simply need to create a backup of your assembly. Go to File menu and then backup .

Israr, I don't think Backup command would do what I want . That command saves ALL files linked to the assy to another directory (that would be thousands of parts). I just want a NEW assy that I can manipulate without changing the ORIGINAL ASSY.

It should be a simple matter , I recall doing it in version17 yrs ago (dont know about this wildfire beta)
You may want to save a copy of the assy to another directory and rename it. It sounds like a new assy to me and needs a new defenition.

It has many Part Instances in it ( FRAME for example)and they have to be RENAMED before saving copy ....


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